Thursday, November 19, 2009

I think I need to take notes.

I decided to do the online dating thing and really give it my all. Well, it is bloody daunting. I can't keep all of them straight. I called one guys dogs name by another guys dogs name. It was hilarious really. I think I played it off pretty well, even though I am pretty prone to panicking when I get in a bind like that. Thank goodness it was via yahoo chat. He couldn't see the look of panic on my face. I really think I need to take notes or start weeding them out. I seriously think I have one kick ass profile or something. Or my competition is weak. Either way I get a lot of emails saying how amazing I seem. I think I am pretty freaking amazing but these dudes haven't even met me. Gives me a lot to live up to. Yikes! Don't know if I can handle that sort of pressure lol. Maybe I need to put up mediocre pictures instead of my best ones....

With one guy we have just been emailing back and forth with no real questions asked of each other. We mostly just talk about football like we are buddys. He finally said today "I feel like we are pen pals." which made me laugh hysterically. Then he suggested maybe we should move to texting. About bloody time dude! Did I mention I am a firm believer in letting men dictate the pace of things and make the first moves.

Another note on online dating. I am 33 years old. Not too terribly old. or at least that is what i keep telling myself. I get all sorts of winks & messages from men in their 20's. And I mean early 20's. Seriously, I don't think I could handle that. I am not self conscious but I am pretty sure none of them have seen a woman with stretchmarks. Or as I like to call them racing stripes!